To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the MG Car Club South Western Centre, a Touring Assembly run was organised for Sunday 10th October. The event had three formal start points to the north, south and west of the area, sending members on a meander through the surrounding countryside ending at Chew Valley Lake Visitor Centre; more than coincidentally the finish point for the Centre’s 70th Anniversary Run as pictured as the header on the Centre’s Facebook page.
The turnout was excellent, with a dozen cars at each of the starts and another half a dozen making their own way to the finish. At one point getting everyone parked looked difficult, but some creativity ensured that everyone got to enjoy their lunch. The general public was treated to the sounds and smells of a bygone age; cars spanned the whole MG range from an 18/80, through MMMs and T-Types to MGAs, MGBs, RV8s, Midgets, a Metro Turbo, ZR260 and several MGFs and TFs. A few cars had even been brought out of long-term hibernation for the event – including the MGB GT of organiser Neil Lock which was last seen on the road eight years ago.
The weather was extremely kind, with bright sunshine at all of the start points. All of the routes traversed the Mendip Hills, with taking a ceremonial diversion through the centre of Bath to pass the location of the first meeting almost eighty years ago to the day. Hopefully, it won’t be another ten years for the next such celebration; plans for MGCCSW85 are already afoot!
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