The MGCC was established to promote the use and enjoyment of MG cars through competitive motorsport, and the comradery that such cars and competition promoted.
When the South West Centre was formed this was our core objective, and a look at our calendar of events from thirty years ago would show numerous trials, auto tests, speed hill climbs, sprints, treasure hunts etc, all of which attracted forty plus entrants who enthusiastically competed for the hard won Drivers Championship. There was also an odd social event, and regular well attended natters.
Times have changed as we started to lose venues, the older cars got restored and values increased, the owners got older and were no longer interested in competition, New models were introduced first with the MGF, then Z’s and the current range of MG cars. Alas the Centre Committee charged with organising events to attract the changing membership has not moved with the times, our interest is still in the events we used to run, but we are hard pressed to get half a dozen entrants to these events. Despite numerous pleas for ‘new ideas’ and ‘new blood’ to better represent the current profile of MG owners, no interest has been shown by new Centre members to put their head above the parapet and help modernise the Centre and suggest events that the current membership would be more likely to support.
This is now getting to a final plea. We saw the last Kimber Classic Trial two years ago, last month saw possibly the last Wiscombe Hillclimb that the Centre will be involved with, both because the organising teams for these events have run them for decades, and no one else is prepared to take over. There is a very grave danger, or even probability, that the current committee will not put themselves forward for re-election at a future AGM, and the Centre will fold.
Each of the 1200 or so South West Centre members have to ask themselves why they joined the Club, and what they want from the local area. We desperately need new people and new ideas, not necessarily to join a committee as such, but to show some enthusiasm in helping to organise and participate in relevant future events. Don’t let 80 years of history die, we have a large membership, a lot of very interesting cars and a healthy bank balance. Please help to continue it!
On the website are email addresses for our Chairman, Jim Lott (, Secretary, Andrew Owst, and myself, Treasurer. We know you are out there, please amaze us with your thoughts, views and ideas for the future of our Centre before it’s too late!
On a brighter note, the Christmas Natter at the Ring Of Bells will be going ahead on Tuesday December 7th. If you want to join in for a festive meal then please book with Andrew Owst
Dave Mothersdill (