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Chairman’s Chat – 7th June

This will be my last chat for a while as I’m heading overseas with work for a few weeks. Beforehand though is the news that entries for Wiscombe Hillclimb on 10th September will open tonight, all the events at Wiscombe have been really popular this year so be sure to get your entry in quick if you want the chance to compete on one of the best hillclimb courses in the country. Regs and details of the online entry form can be found here.

Neil Lock rounds Sawbench Hairpin at Wiscombe

Running an event like Wiscombe takes considerable effort, for many years now Bruce Weston has gone above and beyond for the centre and taken on most of the work before and during the event. This will be Bruce’s last event at the helm so we are looking for volunteers to help out in the future. To make the task more manageable we are looking at how we might split up duties but if you are interested or would like to know more then please get in touch.

If competing or volunteering isn’t for you then do think about coming along to spectate, as well as the MGCC Championnship we’ll have a wide range of cars from standard saloons to full racing cars. The course offers plenty of excellent viewing points and of course the opportunity to explore the paddock at lunchtime for a close up of the machinery on show.

Ian –

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