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MG 100 Cavalcade – John O’Groats to Lands End

23 May @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


MG 100 Cavalcade – John O’Groats to Lands End



As you will have read about in Safety Fast! this exciting, nationwide event is taking place between Tuesday 30th April and Saturday 25th May and the South West Centre Leg will be running on Thursday 23rd of May.

As we continue the celebration of 100 years of MG in 2024, for the enjoyment of members throughout the country, our goal is to link all regions of the UK and all parts of our Club in celebration as a Centenary led expression of the ‘Marque of Friendship’.  This is being achieved by way of a series of ‘road runs’ all the way from John O’Groats to Lands’ End.

The whole Club is uniting in this endeavour so that a very appropriate ‘MG 100 baton’ can pass from one end of the country to the other, involving as many members as possible…

This is your chance to take part![1]


[1] Should you plan to be one of the ‘intrepid’ end-to-enders who in celebration of 100 years of MG will enjoy the entire event, then please get in touch with Rob Constant on rob@littleabingdon.co.uk to express interest.

The South West Centre Leg, arrangements are as follows:

We are planning a scenic road run from The Ring O’Bells at Compton Martin (Chew Valley Natter venue) to Weston-Super-Mare.  The route will include descending the hill at Wells to give outstanding views of the countryside and Glastonbury Tor, then down Cheddar Gorge to the picturesque town of Axbridge and on past Crook Peak, the western most of the six main summits of the Mendip Hills to the finish at, Weston-Super-Mare sea front.  The local council have granted us a ‘display parking area’ so long as we vacate the area by 16:00.  Signing on at the Ring O’Bells will commence at 09:30 with the first car away at 10:00.
The Ring O’Bells can provide Coffee and Bacon Rolls if they have prior numbers, If you want to take advantage of this, can you let Andrew Owst andrewowst@hotmail.com know so he can inform the landlord. 

There is no entry fee for participating in the event, but we hope you will be generous by supporting one, or both, of the very worthy official event charities being Lupus UK and the Alzheimer’s Society. The amount you donate, is of course, entirely at your discretion but we respectfully suggest a minimum of £10 per car. Collection boxes/buckets will be available at the start and finish of the run so please remember to bring some cash!

To take part please fill in the entry form, downloadable by clicking here, and email back to jim.lott@hotmail.co.uk.
Further details of the route will be published shortly.

Similarly, should you wish to do more than just the one local Centre leg, then again please contact Rob so we are aware of your multiple entry intentions. The success of this venture depends greatly on the communication between members, Centre organisers, the Cavalcade organising team and the MG Car Club. Don’t delay – consider your plans now!

The event objectives are as follows:

  • To celebrate 100 years of MG in as inclusive and visible way possible, with support from all the various CRBs, but in particular MGCC Centres, by running a series of consecutive ‘scenic runs’ the full length of the country.
  • Bring to life Club celebrations in a very active way in the UK – MGs on the road!
  • Involve as many members as possible – from all age groups and eras of MG – from Vintage/MMM to ‘Young Members’… The friendship of generations travelling together
  • Devise an ‘overall’ route, which takes in some of the key venues to the overall MG story and iconic motoring / motorsport locations throughout mainland UK…
  • Attract national and local PR – via TV, radio and on-line & print media through our nationwide event.
  • Involve MG Motor UK Dealership Network in the event and fundraise for charity for both Lupus UK and the Alzheimer’s Society…

 Where do the origins of this exciting event come from?

The concept originates with Geoff Mansfield who undertook the full Jogle in his 1931 MG M type Sportsman Coupe in his 80th year with a 90-year-old motorcar! A 1,000-mile adventure undertaken during 2021 for both the experience and to fund-raise for charity…

How will it work?

Although there may be a number of ‘end-to-enders’ joining in with all stages of the event, the Cavalcade is not a procession of MGs from one end of the county to the other, but rather a series of individual Centre road-runs.

These are, where necessary, joined together by ‘linking sections’ with ‘handover points’ for the ‘MG 100 baton’ which are envisaged to generally be at MG Motor UK dealerships, passing the ‘MG 100 baton’ one Centre to the next throughout the country.

The event has also been timed to coincide with the Southeast Centre’s exciting Brooklands event over the weekend of the 18th & 19th May, with the dates of the Cavalcade working ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’ from this to ensure the Cavalcade is passing through the area at the appropriate time. Please see www.mgccse.co.uk/mg100-south-east/ for details.

Where’s Cecil?

The handover points will facilitate the passing of a gloss-sprayed card Cecil Kimber (the ‘MG 100 baton’!) between Centre officials, thereby allowing for the individual Centre’s scenic run to start and conclude where the Centre so desires, taking in such picturesque routes and places of interest as they wish to include.

The whole ‘Where’s Cecil’ concept we believe will bring a fun, engaging and media-friendly angle to the event emphasising the fun and heritage facets of our Club character.

 ‘Cecil’, will have two ninety-degree folds, one at knee height and the other at the pelvis allowing the great man to sit prominently in the passenger seat of a series of MGs throughout the trip. He will also have capability to be stood up by way of a movable ‘spine’ which will allow display at the Cavalcade start, finish, baton Handover Points and at the Southeast Centre’s Brooklands MG 100 event.

The story of Cecil’s adventures will no doubt make for an entertaining theme through the event and be recorded for posterity in the Cavalcade log-book. Once the event closes, Cecil and the Cavalcade log will retire to live comfortably at Kimber House, Abingdon as a permanent reminder of the event’s contribution to our 100-year celebrations.

We are keen that all parts of the country and all parts of the Club are involved in this ‘rolling’ event, involving as many members as possible, as a very inclusive demonstration of the ‘Marque of Friendship’. This is a brilliant way to unite as the original MG Club which grew with factory support in marking 100 years of MG in the very way MGs were intended; to be driven…




23 May
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
, ,


Jim Lott
+44 (0)7773 491953


Ring O’ Bells
Compton Martin BS40 6JE United Kingdom + Google Map
View Venue Website

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